The parties involved in preparing the feasibility study
The preparation of the feasibility study requires specialists who possess reliable tools and information and practical experience in preparing the study with various experiences appropriate to the nature of the departments required in the feasibility study such as: preparing the market and marketing study, an accountant expert, financial expert, economist, and engineering and production expert depending on the type of project. Among the most important parties contributing to the feasibility study of projects are:
First: The specialized office is considered as a service provider and expert in preparing feasibility studies. The offices vary according to the specialist in preparing the study. There are specialized offices in the technical aspects such as engineering offices, and there are specialized offices in the economic aspects and managed by economists experts in the field, and there are accounting offices .. etc.
Second: The project owner prepares as the applicant and owner of the project idea, as it must have sufficient skills to manage and direct the project during its implementation.
Third: The target groups (the consuming segment) are considered one of the most important parties affecting the projects, as they are an effective source in monitoring their desires and converting them into ideas and opportunities in the project products to suit their desires.
Fourth: Official government agencies, which are concerned with the issuance of permits and papers necessary for the implementation of the project on the ground, and which enact laws and regulations to carry out projects and activities.
Fifth: Employment and productive inputs that are important elements in the operation of the project as it requires the availability of sufficient skills in employment to manage project tasks and the availability of equipment and raw materials to provide project services and products in a timely manner to the target segment.
Sixth: Marketing entities and means that contribute to conducting field survey and data collection to study the market and competitors, and to determine the appropriate market, size and appropriate communication methods with the target segment.
Seventh: The nature and characteristics of the product offered to the target group and the competitive advantage over what is on the market.